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Sumt-urguu started its consulting and construction business shortly after Mongolia's transition to a market economy and the establishment of private sector units and the lack of financial resources for private production and trade. As a result of the tireless efforts of the pioneers, the company's operations stabilized in a relatively short period of time, capital accumulated, the country's economy recovered, and the private sector became more active in trade, services, and manufacturing.

During that difficult period of transition, even private companies, not long after they were established, and even the government due to the country's economic difficulties, invested in construction, limited budgets, and infrastructure, mostly through international organizations, foreign grants, and soft loans. Therefore, in accordance with the high requirements and rules of international organizations, "Sumt-Urguu" company participates in a fair tender by uniting mongolian engineers and technicians, competing with foreign companies and cooperating with them, from planning and handing over turnkey construction and real estate projects. we have accumulated a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience to manage and execute operations at all levels.

As a result, in early 2011, Sumt-Urguu became one of the best private companies in the country, bringing together more than a hundred young engineers, technicians and personnel with higher education and capacity, able to independently implement large projects and earn the trust of their domestic and foreign partners. Advanced to the next stage. As the company's operations and reputation grew, both at home and abroad, the interest rate on domestic loans decreased, and the amount, term, and guarantee increased, which opened up opportunities for large-scale development in the country.

"Sumt-Urguu" aims to add a new impetus to the country's development, to bring more benefits to society and people, and to increase the capacity of many national companies to participate in the project activities, create more jobs and keep them stable. We have been and will continue to be committed to the policy of improving people's livelihoods and bearing the risk of loan repayment without prioritizing profits.

The latest development of “Sumt-Urguu” LLC is a combination of business and social interests. The service includes a royal mountain hotel, an asian restaurant, an event hall, etc. along the airport in Khan-uul district. Along with the complex, large-scale social projects such as 360-apartment housing estates have made significant contributions to the social and economic development of the country and the region, as well as to the development of mongolians.

Sumt-Urguu ”LLC has a proud history of development that has brought innovation to every sector in which it has invested. Each of these developments incorporates mongolian knowledge, intelligence, labor, and creativity. built a high-class office and modern district in Ulaanbaatar - Sunroad office, Khan-uul taur and selbe districts, mint night club, one event hall, and preparation for cold weather in accordance with international standards the construction of a screen golf club and a four-star royal mountain hotel continues.

Захирлын мэндчилгээ

“Сүмт-Өргөө” ХХК-н Ерөнхий Захирал Б.Лхагвадорж

“Сүмт-Өргөө” ХХК-н үйл ажиллагаатай танилцахыг зорьж энэхүү хуудсанд зочилж буй танд юуны түрүүнд талархал илэрхийлье.

Монгол Улс маань эдийн засгийн эрчимтэй хөгжлийн замд орох түүхэн боломжийн өмнө тулж ирээд байна. Энэ боломжийг бодит хөгжил болгохын тулд Монголчууд бидэнд нэн тэргүүнд дэд бүтцээ барьж байгуулах, цаашлаад дэвшилтэт технологид суурилсан үйлдвэрлэлийг хөгжүүлэх шаардлага тулгарч байгаа. Сүмт-Өргөө” ХХК-н хамт олон үл хөдлөх хөрөнгө, барилга угсралт , худалдаа үйлчилгээ зэрэг олон салбарт амжилттай ажиллаж байна.

Бидний амжилтын гол түлхүүр бол эх орныхоо ирээдүйн сайн сайхны төлөө сэтгэл санаа нэгдэн, хамтарч ажилладаг эрч хүчтэй, мэдлэг чадавхитай залуус юм. Тиймээс бид ажиллагсдынхаа мэдлэг боловсролыг дээшлүүлэх, ур чадварыг нь байнга хөгжүүлэх ажлын орчныг бүрдүүлэхэд их анхаардаг.

Бизнесийн цар хүрээ тэлж, компаниуд маань өсч томрохын хэрээр харилцагчид, ажиллагсад, цаашлаад нийгэм, улс орныхоо өмнө хүлээх бидний үүрэг, хариуцлага улам бүр өндөрсөж байна. Бид дэлхийн стандарт, дэвшилтэт тэргүүний техник, технологийг эх орондоо нэвтрүүлж, нийгмийн өмнө хүлээсэн хариуцлагаа бүрэн дүүрэн хэрэгжүүлэхийг эрхэм зорилго болгон ажилладаг билээ.

Та бүхэнд сайн сайхан бүхнийг хүсэн ерөөе!



Selbe Town Sales Manager
Work Phone: 77119192
Phone: 99989920


Khan-Uul Tower Sales and Rental Manager
Утас: 9964-9920


Royal Moutain Marketing and Sales Manager
Phone: 7711-9292, 99219920


Khan-Uul restaurant manager
Phone: 99739920, 89117290